The first phase of your training is the Initial Qualification Training – IQT. It is essentially a familiarization flight. There are many aspects of of the training you will be required to know. It is assumed that you have basic familiarization with all systems of the F-14B.
All requirements for training can be found in the kneeboards and corresponding SOP documents
How to install kneeboards: Copy the PNG/JPG files to your Saved Games folder under DCS>Kneeboards>F-14B
IQT Requirements
Welcome Aboard
Perform a Cold Start on Primary Aircraft
- Use correct radio call outs (pilot and RIO)
- All systems started/alignment/lighting (pilot an RIO)
- Review cockpit instrumentation (pilot and RIO)
Perform taxi and takeoff
- Use correct radio call outs (pilot and RIO)
Perform Rendezvous
- Running Rendezvous (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge)
- CV Rendezvous (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge) – what speed is a CV rendezvous performed at?
Demonstrate non-combat formations
- 2-ship parade (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge)
- 2-ship cruise (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge)
- Fighter wing (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge)
Perform Instrument Navigation -Heatblur Manual: Navigation
- Preload waypoints (pilot and RIO)
- Waypoint entry (pilot and RIO) – Understand what waypoints are, and what data can be attributed to a waypoint
- TACAN (pilot and RIO) – Understand what TACAN is, how to set up a TACAN yardstick, different modes and when to use it, and what data it provides
Perform Visual Navigation
- Medium Alt. Talk on (3000-10,000 ft) (pilot and RIO) – Demonstrate Talk on, waypoint usage “Contact lake, Contact river, Contact, airport”
- LAT (>/1,000FT) (pilot and RIO) – Understand map features, BRAA, coordinate forms
Perform touch and go at airfield or FCLP
- TACAN Nav – Marshal – Decent (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge)
- 10nm Initial- Touch down – Parking (pilot demonstrate/RIO knowledge)
- Radio Call outs – (pilot and RIO)